Harrisonville History: Books & DVDs​

Harrisonville Missouri is 40 miles from Kansas City and the seat of Cass County. John Foster, local historian, guides us through the vast and rich history of Harrisonville from the preserved one-room Rock Ford Schoolhouse to the Courtyard of Honor, built to honor the lives lost in battle.

The extended version of “The Railroads,” “The Gunn City Massacre,” and all 8 episodes of the first history collection are available on our YouTube page.

All proceeds from DVD sales benefit the Cass County Museum.

The greatest stories of Western Missouri remain untold. These stories will stay in the past unless they are immortalized.

Included in This DVD:

  • The Courthouse
  • Christopher T. Grantham
  • FFA
  • Edwin Forrest
  • Hurley Lee Spicer
  • Volunteer Fire Dept.

Anytime a group would be working together to solve world problems, John Foster usually had a story to share – whether it related to the situation at hand or not. He always prefaced his story with “Now, this is useless information.” And it generally was.

One day I told him that he should write a book and I even offered the title: Useless Information from John Foster.

Well, you are now holding the book in your hand, and this book represents a fraction of the stories that he could tell. I’m certain that I’m not the only one who encouraged John to put these stories together in book form, but I am certain that anyone who knows the author will enjoy reading this collection. Now that I’ve read it, I can assure you that what you are about to read cannot be called useless information.

– Forward by David E. Coffelt