Shiloh Center


Life Choice Center is committed to offering compassionate care to individuals and their families, by offering resources and practical assistance for life-affirming choices.  Board members, staff and volunteers endeavor to model Christ in every aspect of the ministry, and to communicate to our clients that we value the sanctity of human life, which is why we so heavily invest in the lives of the women themselves, as well as the lives of their unborn children.  Abortion is too often the solution to a crisis pregnancy, where there is no other solution in sight.  At the center, we step into the crisis situation with her, and offer hope and help, so that she CAN choose life for herself and her child.

Services/Products Offered

The staff at Shiloh Center are here to provide loving support and confidential counsel, test results and treatment, as well as pregnancy and parenting education and resources to young women and men in Cass County and beyond.


Carol Thompson

Membership History

Member since 2017.

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