Our Savior Lutheran Church


Our Savior Lutheran Church is a Congregation of Christian people who center their lives around the Cross of Christ and Word of God.

The Cross means: forgiveness from sin - peace - love - contentment - eternal life.

In the errorless Word of God we find unchanging truth in a changing world. It is the solid foundation upon which we build our lives.

Let us meet your spiritual needs by providing opportunities for:

* Christian Worship
* Christian Fellowship
* Sunday School
* Vacation Bible School
* Bible Information Classes
* Choir

Services/Products Offered


We are a congregation of sinners.  Our Savior Jesus grants us forgiveness in his Word and Sacraments.  We want you to have that forgiveness too.  Come, hear about the work of Our Savior for you!


Pastor Daniel Berg

Membership History

Members since 2019

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